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  • Report:  #5195

Complaint Review: Duluth Police Department

Duluth Minnesota Police Make their own rules!!!! ..Selective enforcement

  • Reported By:
    Galveston TX
  • Submitted:
    Sat, May 19, 2001
  • Updated:
    Sat, May 25, 2002
  • Duluth Police Department
    Duluth, Minnesota
  • Phone:
  • Category:

On or about april 16th 2001 I was informed my things from storage were stolen with those things was a shot gun. When I called the duluth police department they said that It was a civil matter. I explained it was a felony as a gun was stolen they said no it was a civil matter and there was nothing they could do. The police there refused to take a report of the stolen gun therefore my insurance wouldn't cover it and I had no court that would touch a case even civil without a police report. Beware if you live in Duluth MN They allow guns to be stolen. I hope and pray that this gun is never used in a robbery or in anger. God protect the innoscent as the police there won't their too busy with the donut shops.

2 Updates & Rebuttals

cop in WIS


duluth police

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, May 24, 2002

Sounds like you owed someone money or did not pay rent on your storage rental. Thus, someone, possibly the owner went and removed your items. This makes it civil.

Advocate note: Selective enforcement


Sat, May 19, 2001

Most likely the people you were filing against were friends of the police department.

This in nothing new. ..Selective enforcement.

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