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  • Report:  #1525474

Complaint Review: Dr. James Fernau

Dr. James Fernau Plastic Surgery Pittsburgh, PA Doctor James Fernau using false patient Images, for website marketing scam, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

  • Reported By:
    Mathew Burke — London United Kingdom
  • Submitted:
    Fri, March 31, 2023
  • Updated:
    Sat, April 01, 2023

Doctor James Fernau Is a hair restoration doctor, on his website he is using a before and after image of a hair restoration procedure claiming it was done by him at his clinic.

This is false, the gentleman in the image never gave doctor Fernau or his clinic any permission to use his photo, nor has he ever been to this doctor or clinic

My clients before and after image that are being used by Doctor Fernau was stolen from his personal Facebook page and is now being used for marketing.

I have emailed the doctor and his clinic several times over the past month and left messages yet nobody has replied to me or reached out, I explained in my emails that they were unlawfully using my client's image on their website claiming it was done by Doctor Fernau.

Upon further investigating Doctor Fernau, we found other images on his website being used by him also claiming it was his work.

Had the doctor replied to our emails and phone calls I would not have made this report, but I was repeatedly ignored. 

On the 14 of march 2023 I personally called the doctor's clinic via the number on the website and explained the problem and could i make time to speak with the doctor, I was rudely replied to and told to make a complaint via email. which I did.

I sent 6 emails in total I have till now not received a single reply. 

My client has suffered a great deal, as his image is all over the internet now. Doctor Fernau can not use images of medical procedures without the express permission of the patient or person in the photo. 

my client has never given anyone such permission.

My client is a British citizen who has never been to America, let alone have a hair restoration procedure there with Doctor Fernau. 

Doctor Fernau's website is a trap using false marketing to bring in patients, He claims all the before and after images are done by him and his team. that is a lie 







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