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  • Report:  #1499184

Complaint Review: dish

dish did not leave contract with me so I could see the facts would not send rep when needed and overcharged what contract calls for monthly anddid not retract

  • Reported By:
    joan — casa grande az United States
  • Submitted:
    Wed, August 26, 2020
  • Updated:
    Wed, August 26, 2020

I am 89 and contracted w/dish for 2 years and did not understand that if am dissatisfied could not get tech out to help w;tv and would not explain extra charge over my contract and refujsed to answer my wuestions re service  --they lost 2 stations including abc and did not advise until it happened and so my watching tv on those  stations was not a credit to my account---hopper did not work correctly and no tech  theyjust kept telling me wht to do and at 89 cannot follow their instrutions evidently

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