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  • Report:  #1485664

Complaint Review: DISCOVER CARD


  • Reported By:
    MICHAEL — Birmingham Alabama United States
  • Submitted:
    Sat, September 28, 2019
  • Updated:
    Sun, September 29, 2019

I am writing this to let Americans know how this company is abusing its customers.  I lost my job and got behind on bills.  I entered into debt management.  Every other company that I owe is working with me and we are getting squared away, but this company, Discover... oh no. 

They WANT to sue!  If you are thinking about taking out a credit card with these folks, please don't!  I even tried to work out a payment plan with them (hardship) plan, for just 84 dollars a month which I could hardly afford but was willing to do in order to stay out of court. 

THEY OFFERED THIS PLAN for two years. Payment was sent and WELL...that was 4 weeks ago and they referred me to an attorney for lawsuit ANYWAY.  They lied to me to get a little bit of money out of me, which they turned around and used to retain and attorney for the 8,300 I owe that they AGREED could be settled for 3200 dollars!!!! 

They are LIARS!!!  They just want to sue me.  They do not care about Americans.  They are using and abusing Americans.  I won't go down though.  I will expose them.  Join me and pray for their downfall.  They should NOT be in business. 

What they are doing is straight up abuse.  A toast to Karma, because they deserve every bit of what is coming for them!!!!!!

3 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Typical Sub-Prime Attitude

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, September 29, 2019

Amazing how you didn't seem to complain when they provided you with a Credit Limit high enough to charge up a balance of over $8,000. You only have a problem with them now that they actually want you to pay it back.

Oh yes, all of your other creditors are so helpful and "working with you", and only if this ONE company would do what you wanted the clouds would part and your life would be perfect. Yes..we hear it all the time here. The interesting part is that every time we hear this it is always a different company.

As they say "Devil is in the Details". If this is one of your debts for $8,300 what do your other debts look like Do you owe less with them? MORE? How much are you paying them a month?

I am not going to get into your Debt Management program, but hopefully it is legitimate as many of those programs are nothing but scams and prey on desparate people, getting them in deeper trouble. By the way did your Debt Management program explain to you that any "Settlement" for less than you actually owe, is considered unearned income by the IRS?

So that $5100 difference you say they agreed upon, is now an additional $5100 you have to pay taxes on to the IRS on. If you have 3-4 Credit Cards with similar settlements you would be looking at an additional $20,000+ in additional underned Income that depending on your tax bracket could be a few thousand dollars.  If you thought the Interest was bad with the Credit Cards, just wait until you get to the Penalties and Interest the IRS will throw at you.

But anyways, let's look at this agreement. If you have a written agreement, AND you have followed that agreement then all you need to do is go to court and show your proof of the agreement and proof that you have held up your end. If you do the judge will probably throw the suit out and just require you to follow the same agreement. Now, of course if you actually didn't have an agreement, or if you didn't follow it(such as you were late or failed to make the payments as agreed) then that will come out in court also...

One other thing is certain.  If you go into court with this attitude, all that is going to get you is a 30 minute lecture from the judge that would make these comments look like a G-Rated movie.


United States

I concur

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, September 29, 2019

And when I left my last job I used my savings to pay my bills! Now I am paying my debts down with my paychecks and I never spent more that I could afford unlike you did. No sympathy so grow up and get a JOB! They are not abusing any AMERICANS - they offered you credit and you abused that credit! Stop with the pity pot!

The Dog

United States

Poor Baby

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, September 28, 2019

 It was YOU who ran up the balance and it was YOU who refused to pay and they are "abusing" you??? You make decent people want to throw up!

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