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  • Report:  #3458

Complaint Review: Discounts USA

Discounts USA illegal Credit Card Company

  • Reported By:
    Tempe Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Sat, September 30, 2000
  • Updated:
    Sat, September 30, 2000

I was away from my house during June of this year. When I returned home I Picked up the mail that had accumulated during that month. Among these was my VISA Bill, which included a charge for $96.00 from Discounts USA.

I also found the packet that Discounts USA had sent by "Presorted Mail" ( Third Class Mail, also called "Junk Mail"!) Needless to say I was Mad!

I contacted the Credit Card Company to challenge the charge, and have also contacted the Michigan Attourney General to report this scam.

I DID NOT authorise Discounts USA (Or anyone else) to charge me for their services. As I looked through the packet I noticed a letter staring that I would be charged if I did not reply within 30 days. Because I was away from home when this letter arrived I was billed the charges. According to the Michigan Attourney General this is called a "Negative Option" Scam and is illegal.

William Hughes

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