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  • Report:  #10728

Complaint Review: Diet zx AM/PM

Diet zx am - pm rip-off

  • Reported By:
    New Westminster BC
  • Submitted:
    Sat, January 05, 2002
  • Updated:
    Sat, January 05, 2002
  • Diet zx AM/PM
    5315 lindbergh lane
    Bell, california
  • Phone:
    customer service 1-800-45
  • Category:

I had ordered Diet zx am/pm last year june of 2001. I finally received the order a couple of days ago, over half a year in waiting for this order. I had contacted their customer service and like everyone else no human contact, just message after message, on only one occasion I managed to reach a supervisor by the name of Fay , all she would tell me is that the order would be sent at end of that week , that was back in August/01, also how they were back ordered.

I had been lied to, hung up on etc. I had even requested my money back, no response until jan. 3/02 when I received a notification to pick up a parcel at the post office with customs duty due for 11.79 on top of the money I had already paid for the order.

I open it and find that the order is the pm part of the diet plan, all the bottles are for the evening, which is just herbs and vitamins. The am part of the diet zx am/pm was not there, of which contains the effedrin the stuff that makes you lose weight, so the pills that they did send are no good without the am pills which contain the effedrin. So now what, Do I have to wait for another 6months for the rest of the order. I can't believe this - After all this time and they still didn't get the order right.

I would like this rectified if possible, or my money back. I have no use for only half the order. The order they sent me consisted of 10 bottles of diet zx pm only !!!!I can photcopy the labels if possible and fax them to you, I kept the invoice they sent me as well all shipping and mailing labels to show when I received this as well as the customs documentation that was attached to the shipment.

I am really disappointed in this companies policy on the customer service and service of product as advertised on TV, they have fooled alot of people. Maybe an investigation on the federal level should be considered, being as they are dealing on a international level of business, they should be held accountable for this type of rip-off. Thank you for this opportunity to express my concerns and I hope someone can help me.

Barbara Morin
New Westminster, BC

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