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  • Report:  #11838

Complaint Review: Department of Real Estate

Department of Real Estate Los Angeles California is as Crooked as The BBB THEY ARE BOTH RIPOFFS!

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Thu, January 17, 2002
  • Updated:
    Thu, January 17, 2002
  • Department of Real Estate
    Los Angeles Department of Real Estate
    Los Angeles, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

The Department of Real Estate is just as crooked as the BBB they thrive their existence in a similar fashion to BBB by fining the hell out of Realtors and brokers for a million different varieties of ridiculous violations.

They also steal Real Estate License application money into the hundreds of thousands by refusing to issue licenses to people even after they have past the exams.

They look for any blemish what so ever on the persons record to refuse them a license but are MORE than happy to take $600-$700 dollars in fees for books and un refundable license applications first.

When people ask them is there any possibility I might get turned down for a license they tell you, you have to take the license first and pay the fees then pass your exams before we will check to see if a license can be issued to you.

After people take their exams a percentage of them are turned down for licenses for reasons that they could have been notified first before wasting hundreds of dollars and hours and hours of courses.

Basically they take hundreds of un refundable dollars first then look for reasons not to issue you a license, now that is what I call another example of a legalized scam.

They issue PRLS Licenses for a fee that require an agency to follow their ridiculous refund policies which basically state a customer can use an agency for 90 days but if the customer decides not to move or just so happened to find a home on their own the agency after 3 months of work has to give everything back except $25.. Who the hell is the DRE to set guidelines on how much a business in America is allowed to make.
$25 for 3 months work faxing phone calls one on one service, what does that cover NOTHING.

The DRE charges fees for the license then sets a guideline to how much you can make that basically puts the business out of business, then fines the business based on one sided complaints.

God I could go on and on the DRE and BBB are such a pair of rip-offs


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