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  • Report:  #3655

Complaint Review: Barbara Lynn Hosang

DEAD BEAT DAD? DAD BEAT TO DEATH BY EX'S TRICKERY! Barbara Lynn Hosang of St. Louis is a Dead Beat Mom

  • Reported By:
    festus mo
  • Submitted:
    Sun, October 22, 2000
  • Updated:
    Fri, October 16, 2015
  • Barbara Lynn Hosang
    2720 McCausland
    St. Louis, Missouri
  • Phone:
    314-503-7559 cell phone
  • Category:

I'll "try" to be brief. I married Barbara Lynn Major Hosang twice. She got tired of me and divorced me twice. We had 2 sons together, one is now 13 and the baby is 8. I loved her more than life itself, I did everything I could to keep her, but I just wasn't worthy; she was a princess raised by wealthy parents...
but she knew I was poor when she met me.

The second time we married, my elderly parents wanted us to stay together and raise our boys so much that they second mortgaged their house of 40 years to let us buy the house Barb just "had to have" to raise our kids in forever... The terms was pay my mom and dad $281.00 per month, which I did. Then, Barb said I was 'stale' and kicked me out, moved some young punk in a few weeks later, and never made another payment to my folks at all--leaving them to pay $600.00 per month, their payment and hers. (of course, I tried to pay them something but was left broke, she had everything.)

She filed for divorce and started getting prepared for the big day in court. She has this one outfit that she only wears to court, it's your prim and proper Mother Goose looking garb, and it isn't typical Barb! She has a voice that you only hear when she is speaking to a Judge or officer of the law, it is sweet and fragile sounding, so innocent and feminine... She must have been Captain of the Drama team in school, because she can put on quite a theatrical production when she is sitting in that chair next to "YOUR HONOR"... Has to be the Judge's Honor, cause there certainly isn't none on her part while up there!

But..the court awarded I pay $308.00 per month child support, she keeps the house my parents bought but pays them $281.00 month for the payment to be made. She keeps the new washer and dryer my folks bought US and is still paying for themselves.
She gets the kids, the furniture, the new car. I left in a 1970 Ford LTD; well, what's left of it...

So, a few months pass, my folks are telling me that they haven't seen a cent and are having to make both payments STILL...
Barb calls me, and she reminds me of the Barb I met 13 years before.


I thought, 'well, mom and dad would be free of the payment, Barb and the kids safe in the house...' and told her okay, but shouldn't we put it in writing and have a notary public look at it and stamp the seal? "OH...YOU WANT IT ON PAPER, WITH A WITNESS, FROM THE MOTHER OF YOUR OWN 2 CHILDREN"...she got all offended and started wimpering.

So, I let it go. Things went smoothly, I honored the agreement. Then...she got FIRED FROM STAR MANUFACTURING IN ST. LOUIS, "allegedly they popped a random drug test on her" but that is hearsay from a mutual acquaintance.
Barb had been arrested for sales years before, not ME--BARB. I was working 2 jobs and she was home selling drugs to undercover agents...

So, she gets fired and all of a sudden, I am notified by the Child Support Enforcement Agency in St. Louis that I am going to go to jail if I do not pay the almost $6000.00 in back child support to Barb Hosang. I explained it, but was informed "Too bad, so sad...YOU KNOW IF YOU TRUST OR LOVE PEOPLE, YOU'RE GONNA GET SCREWED" (basically that is what they subtly told me). And I am, getting screwed. And I did know, I guess I just didn't want to lose that last shred of hope that it didn't always work that way... I've lost it now. So, I will have given her $600 + per month after paying it back (somehow)...because I paid her house payments and now they're hitting me with this.


Any help from reliable sources is welcome, please no propositions for relationships; that is the last thing I want and need now. Thanks for at least letting me vent publicly, and pray I am not sitting in city jail, St. Louis, by the time this is published.

I am innocent, but already been accused, tried and convicted because the one who learns how to bend, break and get around the law the best wins...YOU WIN, AGAIN, BARBARA LYNN MAJOR HOSANG. CONGRATULATIONS...I JUST PRAY NEITHER OR BOTH OF THE BOYS PICK UP ON YOUR EVIL WAYS. David

19 Updates & Rebuttals




#20General Comment

Fri, October 16, 2015

Barbara Hosang Majors Burton now resides in Ruskin, Fl. (((REDACTED))) Phone (((REDACTED))). Apparently she can't stop running her mouth, so I'm just returning the favor.



Yep, there's screws loose up there.

#20General Comment

Mon, October 12, 2015

I met Barbara Hosang as a roommate in a house where the landlord also lived. She was real sweet and nice in the beginning, we both had past addictions we were dealing with, which led me to extend a certain trust to her and be able to talk to about things I wouldn't normally share with other people. She was getting by but struggling, so I helped her get some stuff out of hock(she didn't ask, I offered) that would help her repair her relationship with one of her sons.

We both work at the same place and I would ride into work with her then back home again. I began to start to notice the change in attitude, which I myself tend to have a short fuse. Then it started to be directed at me and I felt like I had to watch everything I said or done.

Well, to get to the point, I was having problems with the landlord in the way he was keeping his house and cleaning up after himself. For some reason she felt she had to be his advocate and started treating me like I was the bad guy. Mind you, we were talking about looking for a 2br place after the holidays because she felt the same way. Anyways she started texting me to leave him alone or she would'nt have anything to do with me and all the while I'm pleading with her very nicely that this was not her concern and to please stay out of it( I still have all the texts confirming these statements). She would not leave it alone, calling me all kinds of names like I was the lowest form of life on the planet. By now I'm getting pretty ticked off and responded by throwing out some info I found on this site and then entered Mrs. Hyde. She totally flipped out and the real Barb was back.

Needless to say I had left the house leaving my things there which included a surveillance camera equipped with sound that I could access anywhere. This camera picked up audio of her going off on the landloard because she told him I was threatening her and he didn't believe her, I had already talked to him about who was threatening who and had proof.

I'm now totally out of that house and am awaiting to see what happens when we run into each other at work. As for the loan for getting stuff out of the pawn shop we had an agreement for repayment in January after she comes into some money, agreement made before all this transpired, so we'll see how it goes and I'll make another report then.

All in all, yeah, she's not all there!




#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, January 02, 2014

Last February I posted on this thread. Since that time Barb has been in contact with me. She truly seems to have gotten herself together. I hope all works out for everyone in this mess.


El Mirage,
United States of America

I Know Barb

#20General Comment

Fri, February 08, 2013

I was friends with Barb and her twin sister Bev in high school. In August Barb added me to her facebook. In November she contacted me about a situation she was in with her current boyfriend. She led me to believe she was in physical danger so I offerred to let her stay in my home in AZ with my husband and I until she could get back on her feet.

Barb was in our home for 5 days. During that time she lied to us and was in constant arguments with her boyfriend, parents and youngest son. Her boyfriend flew her back to the St. Louis area. After she returned she contacted me to tell me nothing had changed and in fact the abuse was getting worse. I helped her find a place to stay with someone else we went to high school with. She abused that home, lied and in general flipped out.

Her boyfriend contacted me after she returned to his home to ask me if I thought she was having a mental break down. I responded by telling him she needed professional help.

Barb is anything but a stable parent. I am sorry you have had to go through so much with her.



Poor Guy

#20Consumer Comment

Sun, July 12, 2009

I hope your kids don't end up like your ex-wife because the last person they need to be like. It is sad when the ex-wife is the deadbeat and breaking the law while the father of the kids is attacked on all sides by the law when the father is the only one trying to do the right thing. I hope everything has worked out for the better for you. You have my prayers.



Barb Major Hosang-A Rebuttal

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, June 25, 2009

The characterizations at this site of Barbara Major Hosang are the statements by one individual, whose inflamed statements I believe are slanderous. While I believe the intent of this site is to protect the innocent and those unable to protect themselves, an individual with an agenda has made statements defaming someone who has her side of the story to tell as well. As someone who has known Barbara Majors Hosang for nearly 35 years, I can tell you that anyone who has known Barbara and her family over the years can clearly see how inflamed and injurious the statements made about her at the website truly are. I feel that it is important as a matter of record to dispute the so-called "facts" about Barbara listed at this website, and to call into question the true intent of the author of those statements. I believe his attempts are not that of someone seeking justice, but someone seeking to "settle the score" with someone who has restisted his attempts to free herself from a controlling relationship. I respectfully ask anyone who reads these statements in the future to take this into consideration before making judgements about another indvidual they do not know personally.



I remeber other instances of neglect

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, July 18, 2005

I remeber when the boys were dropped off in the middle of winter. Sam in just a pair of jeans and Danny in just a diaper. We contacted DFS and they took a report but nothing happened. It was just horrible. I hope you find Danny because you were always a good dad.



Don't give up, I have a feeling you'll reunite soon.

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, February 07, 2005

I really wish you wouldn't have to experience such wickedness.It sounds to me like your child would do so much more good in your home. Unfortunately, my ex has never tried or even volunteer to pay for anything. What does she have to complain about,you helped her when you could,and providing a place for her to live is not your responsibility.But, you are a decent human being and you have my prayers. God bless you and BOTH your children.



another update...please dont bother the man in kirby texas

#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, December 06, 2003

so, come to find out, she was living with a christian man suffering with cancer in kirby texas just because he was worried about my sons welfare. guess what? she threatened to kill the man and ran off with my boy again, maybe to someone named kim in bandera texas. or maybe back to rockport to a motel called yacht something. found out she did 9 days in aransas jail for possession of narcotics, where was my son? but do not harass the mr. brown whose address got posted, if anything send him a money gift for trying to save my little boy. he went to the police about her but once again, AFTER she was gone and i know not where she went.



i don't know how much more i can take...

#20Author of original report

Mon, November 17, 2003

FIRST, lets update barbara's address and phone number from when i originally posted. she now resides at 2403 deer grove, kirby, texas. her phone number is now 210-661-2230. get this! i have been raising my son sam for 3 years now. sam hasnt been telephoned by his mom but maybe 3 times in 3 years. i have had to try to track down where she was, as she went from st. louis, to illinois, to texas, to colorado, back to texas with my young son, danny. i was supposed to give written permission for her to even take my son out of state for a vacation. today, her new boyfriend eugene brown sent an email to barb's oldest son, james, who she abandoned years ago (he was my step son, not biological) that barb and her bf intends to try to put me in JAIL for non support on danny. i didnt even know where he was and by the time i found out, she fled again! but because i didnt get to change custody when i had him, she come and took him from my elderly mother while i was working, she's saying she can do that. i really have been through more hell since the second divorce than during the whole marriage. i pampered her, i did everything i could to make a family and have a life together and all's she ever did was mess me over. and she is still trying. her new bf claims to be a true christian man, yet he writes that barb wont be happy until she can put me in jail and he plans to help her do so. if any attorneys in the state of texas, vicinity of san antonio reads this, i will be forever greatful for your input and advice. i've been needing help a long time, now i have to get help. my son sam is torn to pieces because his mom keeps trying to take me down. sam is happy, healthy and doing great in school. she doesnt love anyone, not even herself. she loves making people miserable and has left enemies everywhere she has been. sick-n-tired, david.


Santa Rosa,

I cant believe this!!!

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, September 01, 2003

I hope you have learned your lesson as far as not falling for her sweet talk ever again, I have afriend who keeps trusting his ex wifes lies time and time again and the children always pays for Dads stupidity.GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING, I feel very sorry for your children. You need to get her butt into mediation and get your visitation set. If she keeps violating visitation you can document it and take it in front of a judge. Make her accountable for her irresponsibility , for your children. You can get a mediation appointment through family law it will cost you about 40.00. mediation is always on the side of the children. Just be calm throughout your appointment know matter what. good luck!!!!



I hope you see your son soon.

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, August 18, 2003

I have been through a similiar experience. My ex was a master of manipulation. She honestly thought she was doing right by the kids but in reality they where her meal ticket. She couldn't hold down a job, entered an abusive relationship, and denied her drug abuse.

You're the taking right approach though. Stay after her and get the local police involved when you can. If his condition is as you state they can arrest her for child abuse/neglect or some other charges or turn the boy over to child welfare services. Simply knowing the fact that there is someone looking to care for the boy may give them the incentive to act.

My ex ended up having another child after leaving with the kids. When they broke up a custody battle broke out and things got pretty nasty. In the end the judge ordered a drug test since allegations had been flying from both parties. She failed and custody of the one child was given to the father however my three stayed with her.

I made a few phone calls and found his attorney to be quite helpful. It may have been a boost to his client's case, but he seemed truly concerned for the kids and stated that she had no business having them. He sent me anything that might be useful, including the test results.

I fully expected to have to fight it out. I kept my cards to myself and never let on that I knew far more about her situation than she thought. I convinced her to bring the boys to me and I'd put them in school for a year so that she could get things worked out. Of course once I had them it was simply a matter of going in front of a judge and showing him the test results and the records that she was not showing up for her random tests. Automatic win.

Call every agency you can when you get an idea where she's at. Police, child welfare, child abuse groups, etc. If she's using she's probably getting into trouble now and then so scour court web sites for his and her name. That's how I figured out what was going on in a different state, found out about the drug test, and got the lawyers name. You'll end up finding someone who does care about the child, if they know you're willing to care for him they will take the extra steps. Few people in this world can tolerate bad mothers.

If she contacts you act like nothing's wrong in the world. Try to be her best friend. In other words play her game by letting her play hers. If you can send her some extra money every know and then do so. I would even suggest asking that they remove this entire reference to her on this website if she has any computer literacy. She might read this. Go in under the radar.

Sometimes appealing to someone's selfish side is what it takes. Lie if you think it would persude her. I didn't feel a bit guilty since I knew my reasons and had the hard evidence to back it up.

I've had my boys for two years know and people tell me all the time how much different they are now than what they where like then. All for the better.

Good luck to you and don't give up.



my son was full of head lice, skinny, dirty and shows no emotion anymore

#20Author of original report

Wed, August 06, 2003

just yesterday i found out that barbara has now taken my son, danny, BACK to the rockport texas area. her boyfriend eddie dahlgrens mother told me my son was full of head lice, skinny, dirty and shows no emotion anymore. i have contacted sheriff mark gillam of rockport texas to beg him to try to watch over my son, if he learns of his whereabouts. i will say that this sheriff is a professional, caring human being with a very good record in serving his county. no, that doesn't help us from worrying about danny and missing him desperately; but it helps just to have the sheriff befriend us and understand the situation. barb has left behind angry and hurt people in st. louis, brighton illinois, dallas texas, greeley colorado...everywhere she goes, she uses people and tricks them into getting what she wants and then turns on them. i am not an ex husband with a vendetta, she truly is inhumane and cruel. so, rockport texas--if you know my baby, danny hosang, please keep an eye on him because his mother sure wont. we try so hard to hang on to the hope of his coming back to us, so he can finish out his childhood in security, stability and love...but those hopes are fading as each year passes. thanks for letting me vent on this wonderful and useful site. david h. festus, mo.



barbara hosang abandoned both boys for a month in illinois, with strangers.!

#20Author of original report

Fri, June 27, 2003

oh, well let me offer you an update. barbara hosang abandoned both boys for a month in illinois, with strangers. finally, my son called me and i went to get them both. but she came and took the youngest, danny, from my elderly mom one day while i was out starting custody proceedures. she left my eldest, sam, i have had him for over 2 years now. but danny hosang, he has went from state-to-state to live with different "boyfriends" of his mothers, been homeless many times. they lived in rockport texas for awhile and now moved to greeley colorado to be homeless with her latest bf, eddie dahlgren.

ME AND MY SON SAM HAS NOT LAID EYES ON LITTLE DANNY FOR OVER 2 YEARS. LAW AUTHORITIES WILL DO NOTHING BECAUSE SHE STILL HAD CUSTODY WHEN SHE TOOK HIM BACK FROM ME. we find out where she is through a school or person that is upset that danny is abused and neglected, and she flees again. the system sucks, plain and simple. they dont care if my youngest son lives or dies.

they dont care that his mother is a 25-year drug addict, prostitute when she wants something she cant get, psycho, (that is documented!) my son sam come to me telling that his mother got him hooked on drugs at age 11 so he couldnt narc on her. she abused him alot, he was a mess. he had already had sex many times with older women at age 12. now, he is making good grades (he flunked twice with his mother), goes to YMCA, has good friends and a stable home life. hey, all you authorities out there who claim to care about the "children"--stop taking up for these lousy mothers and start digging deeper into the situation. women are equal now, remember? that means they should equally lose custody of children if the father can provide a better home. if anyone out there sees or knows barbara lynn majors hosang, formerly of st. louis, mo. please let me know the whereabouts of the son i love so much and havent seen in too long.

it rips us apart daily! her parents are millionaires but disowned her because she wouldnt straighten up. she is now 40 years old, still a mess. greeley colorado police know her whereabouts, but hasnt contacted me yet to say if my son is alright or not.

nobody cares about him or me and my son who sit here and worry and grieve daily. thanks for the rebuttal, allowing me to update my situation--from bad to worse. by the way, my elderly parents HAVE TO PAY $281.00 PER MONTH FOREVER NOW ON A HOUSE THAT WAS CONDEMNED AND TORN DOWN. barbara refused to quit deed it to us so we could fix it up and sell it, getting them out of debt.



She is miserable too (hip hip hooray)

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, June 26, 2003

I am convinced that women will do anything to "get revenge" or "get back" at the ex-husband that they believe wronged them. Even if they are remarried, they dangle children over the fathers heads and use the kids in any way possible. Have you ever noticed that most men go on with their lives, but the women just can't seem to let it go. I am a woman and I have seen women do pretty horrible things. Most of the time, it is insecure, pathetic, miserable women who will act this way. So, just be satisfied in knowing that even though she is doing everything in her power to make your life a living hell, her life is a living hell too (and that makes me happy).

If she were happy, she wouldn't still be acting this way. Unfortunately, it is the kids that have to suffer the most



divorced fathers have no rights

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, January 02, 2003

I understand what you are going through. My boyfriend has been battling his ex-wife for almost
SIX years, now.

He got divorced in NY state and from what we have been through, I am now convinced that fathers, single or divorced, have no rights what-so-ever when it comes to this type of situation.

He is paying $1736.00 per month for child support,over $600.00 a month for medical and dental insurance (which she REFUSES to USE) for two children that he has not seen in almost FIVE years!!(Oh, i forgot - she also gets a hand out from NY state because she told the court that $1700.00 a month is not enough to live on, even though HER mother is paying the mortgage and utilities on the house she lives in while my boyfried pays for everything else!!)

Why hasn't he seen them? Because every time he drove to NY to get them, she had him arrested (falsely) THREE times - the last time he ended up in jail and I had to drive to NY to bail him out the next day!! All the arrests were dropped by the D.A. of the county where she lives because she admitted that she had lied EVERY time!! She thought it was funny!!

She doesn't work (although she was ordered over two years by the court to get a full time job)and does nothing but haul him into court for MORE money!!

He has done nothing but PAY, PAY, PAY for these kids and doesn't even get as much as a phone call now and again because she doesn't want the kids to talk to me!!

What is even more pathetic is the fact that she takes out her animosity and bitterness against the children's grandmother (my boyfriends'mother)
and has completely shut her out of their lives because she won't send her money!!

THis woman is completely out of touch with reality. She is greedy, manipulative, self-centered and above all, mean and hateful. She doesn't even think about what her behavior is doing to her children, nor does she care. They are only a means to an end for her.



divorced fathers have no rights

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, January 02, 2003

I understand what you are going through. My boyfriend has been battling his ex-wife for almost
SIX years, now.

He got divorced in NY state and from what we have been through, I am now convinced that fathers, single or divorced, have no rights what-so-ever when it comes to this type of situation.

He is paying $1736.00 per month for child support,over $600.00 a month for medical and dental insurance (which she REFUSES to USE) for two children that he has not seen in almost FIVE years!!(Oh, i forgot - she also gets a hand out from NY state because she told the court that $1700.00 a month is not enough to live on, even though HER mother is paying the mortgage and utilities on the house she lives in while my boyfried pays for everything else!!)

Why hasn't he seen them? Because every time he drove to NY to get them, she had him arrested (falsely) THREE times - the last time he ended up in jail and I had to drive to NY to bail him out the next day!! All the arrests were dropped by the D.A. of the county where she lives because she admitted that she had lied EVERY time!! She thought it was funny!!

She doesn't work (although she was ordered over two years by the court to get a full time job)and does nothing but haul him into court for MORE money!!

He has done nothing but PAY, PAY, PAY for these kids and doesn't even get as much as a phone call now and again because she doesn't want the kids to talk to me!!

What is even more pathetic is the fact that she takes out her animosity and bitterness against the children's grandmother (my boyfriends'mother)
and has completely shut her out of their lives because she won't send her money!!

THis woman is completely out of touch with reality. She is greedy, manipulative, self-centered and above all, mean and hateful. She doesn't even think about what her behavior is doing to her children, nor does she care. They are only a means to an end for her.



divorced fathers have no rights

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, January 02, 2003

I understand what you are going through. My boyfriend has been battling his ex-wife for almost
SIX years, now.

He got divorced in NY state and from what we have been through, I am now convinced that fathers, single or divorced, have no rights what-so-ever when it comes to this type of situation.

He is paying $1736.00 per month for child support,over $600.00 a month for medical and dental insurance (which she REFUSES to USE) for two children that he has not seen in almost FIVE years!!(Oh, i forgot - she also gets a hand out from NY state because she told the court that $1700.00 a month is not enough to live on, even though HER mother is paying the mortgage and utilities on the house she lives in while my boyfried pays for everything else!!)

Why hasn't he seen them? Because every time he drove to NY to get them, she had him arrested (falsely) THREE times - the last time he ended up in jail and I had to drive to NY to bail him out the next day!! All the arrests were dropped by the D.A. of the county where she lives because she admitted that she had lied EVERY time!! She thought it was funny!!

She doesn't work (although she was ordered over two years by the court to get a full time job)and does nothing but haul him into court for MORE money!!

He has done nothing but PAY, PAY, PAY for these kids and doesn't even get as much as a phone call now and again because she doesn't want the kids to talk to me!!

What is even more pathetic is the fact that she takes out her animosity and bitterness against the children's grandmother (my boyfriends'mother)
and has completely shut her out of their lives because she won't send her money!!

THis woman is completely out of touch with reality. She is greedy, manipulative, self-centered and above all, mean and hateful. She doesn't even think about what her behavior is doing to her children, nor does she care. They are only a means to an end for her.



divorced fathers have no rights

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, January 02, 2003

I understand what you are going through. My boyfriend has been battling his ex-wife for almost
SIX years, now.

He got divorced in NY state and from what we have been through, I am now convinced that fathers, single or divorced, have no rights what-so-ever when it comes to this type of situation.

He is paying $1736.00 per month for child support,over $600.00 a month for medical and dental insurance (which she REFUSES to USE) for two children that he has not seen in almost FIVE years!!(Oh, i forgot - she also gets a hand out from NY state because she told the court that $1700.00 a month is not enough to live on, even though HER mother is paying the mortgage and utilities on the house she lives in while my boyfried pays for everything else!!)

Why hasn't he seen them? Because every time he drove to NY to get them, she had him arrested (falsely) THREE times - the last time he ended up in jail and I had to drive to NY to bail him out the next day!! All the arrests were dropped by the D.A. of the county where she lives because she admitted that she had lied EVERY time!! She thought it was funny!!

She doesn't work (although she was ordered over two years by the court to get a full time job)and does nothing but haul him into court for MORE money!!

He has done nothing but PAY, PAY, PAY for these kids and doesn't even get as much as a phone call now and again because she doesn't want the kids to talk to me!!

What is even more pathetic is the fact that she takes out her animosity and bitterness against the children's grandmother (my boyfriends'mother)
and has completely shut her out of their lives because she won't send her money!!

THis woman is completely out of touch with reality. She is greedy, manipulative, self-centered and above all, mean and hateful. She doesn't even think about what her behavior is doing to her children, nor does she care. They are only a means to an end for her.

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