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  • Report:  #1501321

Complaint Review: CyberPunk 2077

CyberPunk 2077 cd projekt red "Gone Gold" scam: Why I just canceled my pre-orders on Steam, Amazon and Stadia for CyberPunk 2077 due to cut content bait and switch...

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Mon, October 26, 2020
  • Updated:
    Wed, October 28, 2020

Weeks ago the CyberPunk stated they had "gone gold"... now everyone knows, and I certainty was aware, ever since the original Tom Clancy Rainbow Six days... that when something "goes gold" it means it cut the disc printing presses.... that the CD/DVD/blu-ray/etc discs were already being burned/made and project packaged...

Steam is digital distribution, Stadia even more so... but the Amazon pre-order I did was for the PS4/5 version which is a disc not the digital code....

Here is the problem: don't tell us you have "gone gold" if you really haven't... don't use the term "gone gold" if you haven't actually "gone gold",and instead be more precise in your distinction of the standpoint of status of the development of your product instead of cling to industry terms that you then retroactively redefine and recast unilaterally...

How in the world do you "gone gold" and then tell us that you made the decision to force 6 day works of your developers? Oh the excuse this time is that they are working on the so-called "day one" patch.... Now you come out of the woodworks and finally admit that you have also recently decided to cut content? Not only making the storyline shorter but cut functionality as well!? Wait what? How can you do this after stating you have already "gone gold"? Are you to assume this means you are doing to redacting/trimming with the so called day one patch?

What does this mean that players on the hard copy physical disc of xbox and playstation if they don't immediately apply the day 1 patch they can experience the cyberpunk game as how it was before you made the decision to cut functionality and trim content?

If not, if that isnt' the case then only two possibilities per logic:

1.) either your gone gold was a misrepresentation (read : lie) and you were never finished in the first place much less gone gold anything...

2.) it isn't the day 1 patch that will do the retroactive content and functionality cutting but indeed and infact you already cutted the content and neutered the functionality of the game even before you officially "went gold" date. which means you waited weeks and weeks later to deliberately mislead the public when you could have fessed up and told us you cut the content weeks ago right before you decided to tell us you gone gold...

Either way it doesn't bode well for the status and reputation nor confidence in this game nor your company or its perception and public image...

Maybe going Gold ain't mean what it used to, maybe CD Project Red is has taken the industry off the gold standard... in any case they aren't gonna get my gold...

I'm getting my money back and will try WatchDogs Legions on the Stadia before buying instead....

Thanks but no thanks...

2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

CyberPunk 2077 is a scam, complete vaporware will never get released...

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, October 28, 2020

The trailers in 4k were rendered using 8x V100 gpu costing millions.... it was not on pragmatic hardware

The game is buggy as hell and they are having problem integrating everything much less bug fixing the mess its become

It has not "gone gold" and nowhere near a ready to ship state despite they stating it went gold months back, there is zero chance its releasing in 2020

There is massive turnover inside CDPR and higher ups are infighting fractured over the troubled future of this project

They already took M$ft and Goog money so of course also beholden to least common denominator to make it dumbed down for base current gen xbox and the stadia cloud gaming in 720p

Ray tracing is massive headache, in essence they cant make it work, not at the scale and scenes given current hardware capabilites and still play at acceptable frames... its a gimmick

This delay to December 10 is just a temp placeholder until they figure out an out plan.... it will get delayed again of course, internally the discussed is q3 2021 but even that is optimistic

CDPR has burned through cash the company is on the ropes and they got in over their heads and CP2077 is going to be a massive dud and they are caught in between rock and a hard place and dont know what to do...

They are essentially paralyzed and scrambling right now but still project the facade of confidence and competence...

But its a sinking ship and the smoke and mirrors and house of cards will implode soon enough of that its a mathematical certainty...


United States

Breaking news: DELAYED a THIRD TIME, after promising no more delays

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, October 28, 2020

Cyberpunk developers had sworn up and down promising "no more delays" and that the game had "gone gold", and that the November 19th date was "set in stone"....

Now just today hours ago they broke the news that alas, they lied, again!


'Cyberpunk 2077' Delayed a Third Time After an 'Under-Calculation'

Cyberpunk 2077, one of the most anticipated titles of 2020, has been delayed once again. Now the game's set to arrive on December 10, three weeks after its previously scheduled drop date.


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