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  • Report:  #11690

Complaint Review: Compuserve

Compuserve won't refund for a "hung line" when it's their fault

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Wed, January 16, 2002
  • Updated:
    Wed, January 16, 2002

I was using compuserve 4.02 and have a cable modem. I noticed extremly high charges on my compuserve account and called to investigate. They told me that my software was not disconnecting and that they only refund for the amounts over 400 minutes per episode. This is their software that is causing the problem and they can not offer me any advice on how to fix it. I have now paid over $1200 for something that should cost about $100.
I require copuserve to access my work computers and have been forced to upgrade to a new computer so I can use compuserve 2000 with no problems-yet.
If anyone has had similar problems please contact me at I am considering a class action lawsuit.

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