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  • Report:  #1529360

Complaint Review: Coinsuites

Coinsuites Pay-suites Pay suites LimitlessX Jas Mathurs Marty Wood Mike Weiner Chad Weiner Wellness Brands Regarding PaySuites/CoinSuites/LimitlessX, Jas Mathur/Marty Wood/ Mike Wiener/Wellness Brand, KY employs a fraudulent model involving straw holders, offering them a ssive income to byss card comny regulations. They systematically funnel funds to other bank accounts while establishing and controlling LLCs Feasterville-Trevose pa

  • Reported By:
    Staff Legal — United States
  • Submitted:
    Sun, October 22, 2023
  • Updated:
    Mon, October 23, 2023


Warning Regarding PaySuites/CoinSuites/LimitlessX, Jas Mathur/Marty Wood/ Mike Wiener/Wellness Brand, KY and Associated Entities

To those who might consider doing business with PaySuites/CoinSuites/LimitlessX, Jas Mathur/Marty Wood/ Mike Wiener/Wellness Brand, KY or any of its affiliated entities, this serves as a cautionary tale based on our experiences.

Brief Overview:

1.     Communication Challenges: We attempted multiple dialogues with the aforementioned party. Communication was often evasive, inconsistent, and at times, dismissive. Constructive discussions were met with either silence or rudeness. Additionally, the company employs a "fixer, Blake," who, in our experience, serves to confuse conversations and initially employs threatening tactics.

2.     Financial Discrepancies: They owe an outstanding sum of over $245,000 USD. Despite clear communication about the exact sum due and its urgency, we've encountered shifting narratives and still no resolution.

3.     Issues with Refunds & Chargebacks: The company exhibited a concerning inability to manage account returns properly and handle chargeback data effectively, leading to instances of apparent customer fraud. Their chargeback ratio hovers around a concerning 75%, with expectations of it increasing to a staggering 90%.

4.     Fraudulent Activities: We've found that the company employs straw holders and promises them a "passive income" to circumvent systems of major payment networks. The funds are then swiftly transferred out to other accounts, effectively hiding them. The creation of these LLCs and companies can be traced back to a single source, Wellness Brands, KY. Together with PaySuites/CoinSuites/LimitlessX, Jas Mathur/Marty Wood/ Mike Wiener/ Advanced Merchant Group, they operate this scheme. The charges levied are fraudulent.

5.     Legal Proceedings: Due to the scale of the outstanding amount and the suspected illicit activities, investigators have been alerted as of this writing.

6.     6. Misrepresentation by Key Individuals: Both Mike Weiner and Marty Wood frequently present themselves as experts in the field, boasting about their successes in boarding reputable merchants and their deep knowledge of the industry. Marty, particularly, often adopts a congenial demeanor, trying to discredit others by criticizing their underwriting skills and proudly proclaiming his flawless record of providing only the best clients. Similarly, Mike Weiner is not shy about his claims either, even going to the extent of asserting that he has never onboarded a problematic merchant and citing his impeccable record as proof.



This post is an effort to share our experience and protect others from potential harm. If you're considering engaging with PaySuites/CoinSuites/LimitlessX, Jas Mathur/Marty Wood/ Mike Wiener/Wellness Brand, KY its associated entities, we strongly advise proceeding with caution, conducting thorough due diligence, and being vigilant.


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