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  • Report:  #140137

Complaint Review: City Of Mesa ARIZONA police Department

City Of Mesa ARIZONA police Department Ripoff! The saga of the $100,000 monkey Mesa Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Mesa AZ
  • Submitted:
    Sun, April 24, 2005
  • Updated:
    Mon, May 02, 2005
  • City Of Mesa ARIZONA police Department
    245 W. 2nd St. And Associated Complexes
    Mesa, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:

The venerable and esteemed (and vastly demented)
City of Mesa, Arizona (the former Utah colony
of "Deseret", may have finally demonstrated just
how irrelevant and counterproductive an entirely
corrupt city government can actually be, with
no suggestion of moderation or even SANITY.

This is a city of about 400,000 with its own
integral "Air Force", which in the last few years
has shot to death multitudes of unarmed citizens,
and crippled many others. Neck deep in corruption,
perjury, and vast criminal activity of all sorts,
apparently the next absurd extravagance may very
well be a slightly lower order of primate than
the sluggards and incompetent dimwits currently
employ: A MONKEY!!!

This proposal comes in a city awash in crystal
methamphetamine traffic, crack cocaine, and
unethical and downright illegal contact in its
city manager's office and police department.

So far, no one has asked the department
anything about ethics, responsibility, truth,
or any of the other areas in which they seem
deficient. And in Mesa, apparently, those
who dare even think about doing so are
better advised to leave town, rather than
disappear, which is the other alternative
to reforming the city's erstwhile collection
of fourth-rate thugs.

Apparently, Chief Dennis Donna has responded
that this is "not going to happen".

It would be far more productive, most of us
think, to flush the below-noted funds down
the toilet. And generally, this ridiculous
"police department" needs to go to the
same destination.

News - Police in Ariz. Seek Monkey for SWAT TeamYahoo!

Top Stories Strange News - AP
Police in Ariz. Seek Monkey for SWAT Team

Mon Apr 18,10:12 PM ET Strange News - AP

MESA, Ariz. - The Mesa Police Department is looking to add some primal instinct to its SWAT team. And to do that, it's looking to a monkey.

"Everybody laughs about it until they really start thinking about it," said Mesa Officer Sean Truelove, who builds and operates tactical robots for the suburban Phoenix SWAT team. "It would change the way we do business."
(QUESTION: Would not spending some meaningful time, effort, and money to clean up this filthy, rotten mess be more productive than ANTHING thus far proposed by or on behalf of Mesa's absurd "law enforcement" community?

Truelove is spearheading the department's request to purchase and train a capuchin monkey, considered the second smartest primate to the chimpanzee. The department is seeking about $100,000 in federal grant money to put the idea to use in Mesa SWAT operations.
The monkey, which costs $15,000, is what Truelove envisions as the ultimate SWAT reconnaissance tool.

Since 1979, capuchin monkeys have been trained to be companions for people who are quadriplegics by performing daily tasks, such as serving food, opening and closing doors, turning lights on and off, retrieving objects and brushing hair. Truelove hopes the same training could prepare a monkey for special-ops intelligence.

Weighing only 3 to 8 pounds with tiny humanlike hands and puzzle-solving skills, Truelove said it could unlock doors, search buildings and find suicide victims on command. Dressed in a Kevlar vest, video camera and two-way radio, the small monkey would be able to get into places no officer or robot could go.

It has been a little over a year since Truelove filed a grant proposal with the U.S. Department of Defense under the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and he is still waiting for word.

If the grant goes through, Truelove plans on learning how to train the monkey himself and keeping the sociable monkey at home, just like a K-9 officer would. He projects that $85,000 in grant money would outfit the monkey with gear and pay for veterinarian care, food and habitat for three years.

Information from: East Valley Tribune/Scottsdale Tribune

Mesa, Arizona

3 Updates & Rebuttals



If you live in Mesa or wish to appreciate the city better, take a look...

#4Consumer Suggestion

Sun, May 01, 2005

Note that the author of the original
report is not quoting some "lunatic
fringe" publication like the NATIONAL
INQUIRER or THE OBSERVER, but has combined
a couple of reports by the puppet local
newspapers, the TRIBUNE and the REPUBLIC,
both of whom are well-known for suppressing
evidence and information hostile to the local
criminal element in Mesa City Government.

Lots of fluff pieces in the "house organs"
which are locally promoted as "the media"
cover up for some of the various excesses
commited in this filth hole. This won't go
on forever.

Mesa cops, especially those who have
decided to develop the hobby of murdering
citizens, need to know that there are
statutes of limitation on perjury, filing
false police reports, assault, fraud,
corruption, and most of the other dishonest
activity in which the lion's share of this
department is involved, but not on MURDER.

Right now, the city basks in the glow
of its criminal neo-fascist executive
power base, and its spineless mayor, Keno
Hawker, and surely the Bush Mark II administration has no intention of lifting
any rocks to see Republican slime
slither out into the light of day.

But it won't always be that way. This
may be called "politics" locally, but it
isn't about "politics", it's about crime,
and crime by cops, hundreds of times a day,
is what Mesa is about.

You won't read much, if any,
real information, in the yokel media
until political atmosphere changes, but
times are not static.

Short term, there are some reports
on this site which will help explain what
Mesa is about, and a few of them are listed






If anyone from the rest of the world wants
to know what the effects are when about one
quarter of a town or more is illegal immigrants,
and about half the legal residents who are
qualified do not vote, MESA IS IT!!!!!



No! No MONKEY can ever be on Mesa P.D.!

#4Consumer Suggestion

Sun, May 01, 2005

It is absurd to imagine a mere monkey
could EVER work for the Mesa Police Department.

How could a monkey possibly meet these

(1. Mesa police of rank must be totally
servile, sniveling parasites, firmly in the
pocket of former City Manager Charles Luster
and his corrupt, criminal coherts;

(2. Mesa police must constantly whine
and snivel, in their cowardly way, that, even
though the city has twice as many police as
most American cities of 400,000, there are
nowhere near enough;

(3. Mesa police must ignore real criminal
activity, especially methamphetamine and crack
cocaine traffic, especially by those of the
"correct" religious persuasion, even to the
point of harassing legitimate citizens who
report such activity, in order to (a. not get
hurt, and (b. avoid painting "bad pictures"
of the venerable capitol of "Deseret"....

(4. Mesa police must be grossly overpaid
liars, such as officers Gaffney, Lines,
Marrical, Cantrell, Withrow, and others who
have nationally-known reputations for filing
false police reports and endless supplies of
criminal perjury, all uninvestigated by the
esteemed big cheeses in this department;

(5. Mesa police of rank must be either
directly subservient to "The Temple" or
members thereof, or work for same for
cash or advancement;

(6. Mesa police of any rank must be
completely mute on several issues, and
in no wise even capable of enunciating
words like "reform", "ethics", "honesty",
"decency", "The United States Constitution",
"murder of children", etc., etc., etc.

Obviously, this particular primate
is overqualified and would be grossly
underpaid for this department.

I suspect other officers--who have
no redeeming value of any kind whatsoever,
and who seem to be of a much lower order
and species--are far better qualified to
meet the specifications as originally
outlined. Chief Donna or his predecessor
spring immediately to mind.


San Antonio,

2 Questions

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, April 25, 2005

Why send a man when you can send a monkey and will he get overtime and benefits? Who knows, he might just make Chief.

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