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  • Report:  #1495129

Complaint Review: Alliance Travel GetawayASAP Lie - Mislead - Misrepresent - Bait & Switch - Strong Arm... Anything to make the sale! San Francisco California

  • Reported By:
    JP — Fort Myers Florida United States
  • Submitted:
    Tue, May 12, 2020
  • Updated:
    Tue, May 12, 2020

Buyers & Flyers beware! is a complete scam! Boiler room operation filled with snake oil salesmen all with one common goal... say and do anything to make a sale! Peel the customers skull back, make a big rip, hang up the phone and high five the guy in the next cubicle. Smile and dial. Turn and burn.

High commission tiers for bottom feeding, convicted felons who have the gift to gab. Personal gain is their top priority, do not be fooled or suckered into saving a few dollars. Your time, the stress and the legal fees are a big price to pay compared to the few dollars they promise to save you.

Did a google search for CheapBizClass and in addition to finding CheapBizClass, I found another travel agency by the name of Alliance Travel a.k.a. GetawayASAP with the same owner (Joe Dugan), the same phone number and, the same address. Interesting to say the least. When calling the toll free number advertised on (during normal business hours) an answering service fielded the call/screened the call. Clearly a buffer between you the customer and a deceitful, cowardly salesmen hiding behind the phone.

At one point, I asked the sales rep and the answering service who Joe Dugan was and, even though Joe Dugan is listed as the owner of both CheapBizClass and Alliance Travel (a.k.a. GetawayASAP), neither of them knew who he was. It’s my belief, if not all, most of the owners and employees in all three companies are using fictitious names.

My reps name is Joseph Howard. A young boy, middle to lower IQ, GED to high school diploma at best, short temper, who constantly contradicts himself.

A class action law suit is exactly what these fraudsters need and deserve. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. I will stop at nothing to recoup my money.

I know there’s strength in numbers and I’m certain there are many more hard working, blue collar individuals who were lied to, mistreated, taken advantage, defrauded and duped by these low level scum fraudsters. They are dirty travel agents who like to lie and deceive people.

If you’re incompetent enough to move forward with Joseph Howard, Joe Dugan and CheapBizClass after reading this, then you were not meant to win at the game of life.

Like I said, there’s strength in numbers. If reading this has kept you away from making a quick decision (which leads to a bad decision), you’re welcome! If you failed to peel back the layers, do your due diligence and were suckered in like I was, post a review/your experience/your opinion. They need to be stopped and held accountable. 

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