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  • Report:  #1159392

Complaint Review: Cellular One

Cellular One Cellularone Ripped me off, lost all my contacts and pictures and never had service Alexandria Louisiana

  • Reported By:
    joy bettevy — Hessmer Louisiana
  • Submitted:
    Thu, July 03, 2014
  • Updated:
    Thu, July 03, 2014

Customer service and branch manager at store location was not very cooperative after we tried to have a new contract and phones service for a couple of phones. We are trying to reduce our phone bill. We saw and heard the false advertisements and fell hard.  We arrived at the store at opening of store at 9 a.m. Saturday morning and stayed there until 1:35 p.m. We had not had breaksfast or lunch because of our stay at office.

Immediately after leaving my boyfriend made phone call to his co-worker to see how phone worked. I was just astonished about how our luck had gone bad over there because we saw people come and go all morning and day long. I looked at phone and realized that my phone wasn't working at all. I was really to hungry to worry about it and so we stopped and ate. After stopping and running erands in town we headed home which is over 30 miles. After getting home my boyfriends phone was also not working. He couldnt make phone calls any longer.

I never was able to make phone calls on the device nor internet. I immediately noticed we didn't even get receipt for our purchase. Keep in mind my boyfriend traded in his cell phone to keep the down payment of contract and service down. We immediately used our only working phone with another company to call. If you try and call number it goes to a computer service center. You can't reach inside the office. They had to direct line my call in because I spoke to technician after technician and still nothing. I wanted to know what time they close to return my purchase back. The office closed at six, it was 5:30 p.m. There was no way to make it back to office. So I told them I would be there as soon as they openned. Well, it is closed on Sunday. Afther making it back to office and trying to return phones, because I forgot a piece they wasn't going to take nothing back and was not going to do anything but look into getting our phones to work. I finally saw the phone work. I was happy. However, the phone worked only in the town the service was hooked up in. They wanted me to take the phones back to my home and if they still didn't work they was going to give full refund. 

I went home and tried to make them work. We took out sims and rebooted and called again, and again and they said nothing to us that we possibily could not have service in our area. Actually looking on a map the entire state of Louisiana was suppose to have service. The more the phones didn't work my boyfriend who paid for everything and lost pictures and contacts wanted refund. So Tuesday morning I went back and tried to get refund (we paid cash). They made read a page from their contract that she copied off the computer (not with my signature on it) that said if i didn't return same day I would have to wait and get a check refund in 8 to 10 weeks. Good bye! Hello, I wanted the phone that they took as a trade in and I wasn't going to leave until I get it. Well, at first they told me they mailed it out already and it was gone. I fussed and threw a fit saying I wasn't going to leave without phone and money back. That is when I was told that it was policy because they are holding money out because they are going to charge me for usage charges for the four days I had phones and this amount came to about $26 then handed me my boyfriends phone which data had been all erased. 

I am wanting to warn everyone, Not to use this company for any reason. Just to pay the bill will be a waiting line of over an hour. They have small print in contracts everywhere. Read it and by all means never leave empty handed. Make them make the phone calls to see if phones are working. I never did and it ended up costing me more than just a head ache. It has cost me fuel, precious time and well as trust in people. This day and age in this world people just need to learn to tell the truth up front. Scamming people and hurting others will not keep up for very long.  

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