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  • Report:  #1435945

Complaint Review: Cedric lazard

Cedric lazard #1, 1Local media LLC #2, Nrotationtv #3, sliderville 101 #1, 1Local media LLC#2, Nrotationtv#3, sliserville 101. He misslead me by saying that he will provide me with a internet tv station under a company by the name of nrotation. And after 80+ days refuse to refund the money that I paid him for the services that where not rendered, Cedric lazard ows.5000$ I have all Banking information and documentation to prove this. Scottsdale Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Eric — Montréal Quebec Canada
  • Submitted:
    Mon, March 26, 2018
  • Updated:
    Wed, March 28, 2018

Was supposed to be setting up a tv channel with nrotation and adding 10 sponsors within the first 30 days ,and avoiding me for a period of 30+ days with no results. After  promissing to make things right he approached me with a new and different opportunity to help me get to what he was supposed to be doing for me. By changing our original agreement.

Then after 80 days of stories, lies and a new again opportunity to help me out, which had nothing to do with the entire original agreement. After growing concerns in regards to my 5000$ us. ive asked repedidly for a refund, he has told me that there is no refund. I'm a disabled person and that was my life savings plan. It's all gone and he's still out there scamming and missleading many honest and innocent people . 

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