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  • Report:  #24420

Complaint Review: Castlebridge Publishing

Castlebridge Publishing Con Artists Denver Colorado

  • Reported By:
    Houston TX
  • Submitted:
    Thu, July 11, 2002
  • Updated:
    Thu, July 11, 2002
  • Castlebridge Publishing
    700 N. Colorado Blvd.
    Denver, Colorado
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I was recently suckered into believing that this work-at-home business was an easy, legitimate money making method. It was an honest mistake that anyone could have made. Their advertisement was extremely well-written and deceptively convincing.

Here's a little section from their advertisement, just to give you a taste of the lies that they're selling: "Make $1000 weekly or more stuffing envelopes... no advertising... no selling... free postage... you will be paid $3.00 for each envelope you stuff according to instructions..."

And it goes on: "The fee to join our program is $40.00. This gets you all the materials and instructions that you need to start right away... We only request this fee as a show of good faith, and to ensure that you are serious about this opportunity... you risk nothing."

Yeah, right! Luckily, I was able to stumble upon this nifty little website and discover that this offer really was too good to be true. In the end, I ended up losing $25.00 for a cancelled check fee, but I certainly am wiser for the ware and I hope that others are as well.

Houston, Texas

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