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  • Report:  #1443

Complaint Review: Canadian Tire & CCM bikes

Canadian Tire CCM bikes are not safe

  • Reported By:
    Prince George
  • Submitted:
    Wed, March 01, 2000
  • Updated:
    Wed, March 01, 2000
  • Canadian Tire & CCM bikes
    1727W Central
    Prince George, British Columbia
  • Phone:
  • Category:

It all happened about a year and a half ago when my dad got me a bike from Canadian Tire. I asked him if I could put it together, but he said we should let the store do it so it is done right. Well the stores right must be different from mine because when I was riding to the corner store about a week after I recievied the excellently put together bike the unthinkable happened.

My friends and I were riding through a pathway where you must go off a curb to come out. Well when I went off the curb my d**n shocks fell right out from the headset, which sent me flying all the way to the ground. The next thing I rememberd was about four hours after when my brother told me what happened. When I hit the ground my elbow was ground so hard into the pavement that I lost a piece of skin and scraped it up as well as my shoulder. I also recived a concusion when my head bounced off the ground. It was lucky that I had a helmet on because judging by the crack above my temple in the helmet it could have been alot more serious than an concusion. I never had such pains in my life the next week that my elbow produced.

I now have a very noticble scar on my elbow that I am sort of imbareassed about just because of how it looks. I was also very tentative about riding a bicycle for a few months after, and still am when I have to go off a curb. I guess I am making this compaint because I was so upset on how easily the shocks came right out and how I am going to have a scar that will never go away and also the fact that I feel scared to ride off a curb, when normally a sixteen year old boy should be worried about getting hurt in a lot of different ways then going off a curb.

Thanks for your time from Marc Bergeron
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