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  • Report:  #49299

Complaint Review: Boland Naturals Inc.

Boland Naturals, Inc. Hang this company from a rope. Its marketing is a complete scam - but is "Cernitin"? Cincinnati Ohio

  • Reported By:
    Lopez Is. Washington
  • Submitted:
    Sat, March 15, 2003
  • Updated:
    Sat, March 15, 2003
  • Boland Naturals, Inc.
    P.O. Box 42306, Cincinnati, OH 45242
    Cincinnati, Ohio
  • Phone:
  • Category:

We all dream of a better sex life, or a sex life at all. This company takes blatant advantage of this.

I paid more than $100 for a few pills that in no way, shape or form do what Boland claims in its advertising and literature that it is supposed to do. When I searched the Internet to find out if others had had a similarly disappointing experience with the product, I found out that the scam goes well beyond marketing snake medicine, fraudulently charging credit cards without authorization. I have tried to contact the company to tell them in no uncertain terms not to ship and especially not to ever get near my credit card again, but don't know if I was successful. E-mails went undelivered or unanswered. A certified letter got delivered - to an "agent".

Even a prostitute delivers more than this company, but for less dollars. But prostitution is illegal.

Paul, San Juan Islands, Wash.

PS: This comment is all about the company, Boland. I understand that the ingredient in the pills is "Cernitin". It is manufactured by a company called Graminex/Cernelle, and nothing on their Internet site makes any claims about an improved sex life - the claims are actually quite clinical. I have to admit that I have observed some positive changes in my bladder/prostate conditions after I tried mioplex. But that is no reason to buy mioplex, or "ogoplex" as it is now called, or to be scammed all over again and again. Cernitin can be had for very substantially less than mioplex when you are not looking for a better sex life. And if you feel that mioplex worked for you, often placebos do, then shop for Cernetin somewhere where your credit card information is safe.

Lopez Is., Washington

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