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  • Report:  #1100433

Complaint Review: Bluegreen Resorts

Bluegreen Resorts Still Waiting Branson Missouri

  • Reported By:
    wboone62 — Nacogdoches Texas
  • Submitted:
    Tue, November 19, 2013
  • Updated:
    Tue, November 19, 2013
  • Bluegreen Resorts
    Branson, Missouri
  • Phone:
  • Category:

 I purchased a Bluegreen points timeshare a few years ago and found that it did not meet my needs, couldn't be sold, was misrepresented to me at sale and was extremely hard to book.  I had paid in full for the points at time of purchase and had kept up my dues until about a year ago.  After trying to cancel my contract by talking with Bluegreen I found that they would not budge an inch in letting me out even though I had paid in full.

The maintanence fees were rising every year and health problems forced me to stop paying the maintanence fees.  I tried to sell the points thru a company that Bluegreen suggested only to be ignored by the company and insulted by Bluegreen by being turned over to a collection agency.

I contacted the Attorney General in the state where I purchased the points and after several months of waiting received a letter from the Attorney General stating that Bluegreen was willing to release me from the contract.

I wrote to the person and address that the attorney general gave me stating that I did want to cancel and so far have heard nothing from Bluegreen.  Still waiting after a couple of months.

My recomendation is to steer clear of anything related to Bluegreen.  They have lied to me, misrepresented information, denied things that they told me during the sale, threatened me with collections and foreclosure and now are ignoring me even after stating to the attorney general that they would release me from my contract.

There is a lot more detail to this drama but it is enough to say, if you see anything from Bluegreen you better grab the wife and kids and run for your life.  It's a money pit and it will drag you down.  Maybe you have thousands of dollars to play with but I don't and neither do most people that Bluegreen preys upon.  RUN!!!


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