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  • Report:  #1037255

Complaint Review: blucigs

blucigs Very angry consumer! First cartridge leaked and caused blisters, next flavor ran out in one day in several carts, third battery broke in less than 4 weeks!! Internet

  • Reported By:
    Kelly — jacksonville Florida
  • Submitted:
    Sat, March 23, 2013
  • Updated:
    Sat, March 23, 2013

 I contacted this company through live chat to tell them my flavor cartridges didn't have enough flavor, they issued points to allow me to get a free shipment delivered.

The very next day my battery broke, I contacted them and they gave me a PDF file to print out, this will cost me money in gas to drive to the library to print this out, plus the cost of the print itself, plus it will be $5.00 to ship the product back to them for them to replace it, which will NOT be replaced and I'll have to go a week without the product which I use to help me from smoking cigarettes.

This upset me so I had my boyfriend contact their customer service telephone line on which he was put on hold for a long time, only to have them say they can not take his call at this time and asked him to leave a message, followed by a message saying the mailbox is full in which the call was then dropped by them.
This happened to him twice.

Also I had one of the flavor cartridges leak into my mouth and a day later bliters appeared on my gums and one on my bottom lip which is still there 5 days later!

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