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  • Report:  #1475381

Complaint Review: Bill Roasts

Bill Roasts False advertising Maywood California

  • Reported By:
    Billy — Bell United States
  • Submitted:
    Fri, March 15, 2019
  • Updated:
    Fri, March 15, 2019

This place brags about how good their pizza is when in reality it's just about the worst pizza you can have. They don't even use real pepperoni. They also claim to have "gender neutral" bathrooms but when you go there, there's no bathroom available.

They also manipulate their reviews to make it appear as though they have more positive reviews than what they actually have, while ensuring that any negative reviews are pushed to the bottom so that they are less likely to be seen.

This place is a scam, plain and simple. If you're ever in the city of Maywood, do yourself a favor and skip "Big Al's pizzeria". Don't let yourself be fooled by their misleading hype and manipulated online reviews. 

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