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  • Report:  #1982

Complaint Review: stole my information

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Thu, April 06, 2000
  • Updated:
    Thu, April 06, 2000
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I got an email from an auction site called bidz dot com. It told me that when the site launched it would give away free shares of stock to anyone willing to take a personal survey. It also said that I would get an additional share of stock for everyone that I got to fill out the same survey.

Like a fool I convinced all my friends to fill it out too. Months went by and I never heard anything from bidz again, so I emailed their customer service department. They replied telling me that they could not help me and that I had to talk to the promotional office at

I emailed them a number of times and never got a response. I wrote back to customer service and told them I got no reply to which they pretty much said, tough luck.

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