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  • Report:  #1642

Bernard Haldane Associates Dallas Texas ..How to fool an old fool

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Thu, March 23, 2000
  • Updated:
    Thu, March 23, 2000

  • Park Central VII, 12750 Merit Drive,
    Dallas, Texas
  • Phone:
    972 503 4100
  • Category:

In March, 1999, I paid Haldane, Dallas, TX $ 4275.00 to obtain career advice and a promise of the leads to a better job since my contract was not being renewed. My employers paid $3000.00 of this fee, the rest I paid myself.

I was told that I was grossly underpaid for my abilities and experience and that I was worth at least 50% more.
Since I was 55 at the time and green card holder, I expected it to be difficult to get a new position even at my "underpaid" salary level.

I went through the training seminar which was pretty basic and had a resume compiled which was more agressive than I had compiled myself and was meeting with a "career guidance consultant " every two weeks. This lady had an excellent attitude and was experienced and extremely intelligent and we discussed various items during our appointment, some actually relating to careers! We looked at job openings on the internet, applied agressively and got nowhere!

This lady was fired at the end of 1999 and my "consultant" changed to a younger very agressive lady who wrote an even more agressive resume, waved bye bye and left me high and dry. I wrote to Hladane and complained so she called me, we had another meeting where she gave me 20 pounds of contact names and walked out of my life again.

In the meantime I am still looking for work and at least getting more interest than Haldane ever generated and have requested MY $ 1275.00 returned.
Can pigs fly!

CLICK HERE, You must read this!! ..Financial Post Article LINK - Haldane not up to the job ..exposing this company for what it really is - a huge scam

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