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  • Report:  #457464

Complaint Review: Bally's Total Fitness

Bally's Total Fitness Please help me start a war against Bally's for the harm they have done! Heartless bastards! Albany New York

  • Reported By:
    altamont New York
  • Submitted:
    Mon, June 01, 2009
  • Updated:
    Mon, June 01, 2009
  • Bally's Total Fitness
    Crossgates Mall
    Albany, New York
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Im writing this in hopes taht we can all do something together to fight this corporate heartless, royal screwing! It was eight years ago that bally's got me and im just now finding out that in 2007 a judgement was brought against me over it. Im tired of this nonsense and nothing happening. Please read my story and decide if you want or can help.

It start for me when I was working at the mall as operations leader at best buy. It wasn't like I made a lot of money or anything just watched over the cashiers, counted money, so on so forth. I basiclly was an underpayed babysitter.

One ay i was walking through the mall and saw a drawing for a free two week membership and figured what the heck, can't hurt, HA. Anyway, about a week later I got a call about my free two weeks. Awesome I thought I was chosen, LMFAO! Just so happens that there was everyone that put their name in got it so they could get you in the office. I was a sucker and fell for it.

I went in, sat down with a very attractive girl, hum? I then thought I was signing my two weeks but was also suckered into paying something? I don't to this day know what I payed for?

Five days after I signed the stupid contract I called them at the mall to tell them it was a bad idea and I will never work out in a gym, nevermind that gym. They proceeded to tell me the contract rules about 3 days or 25 miles.

Now to end my story im in a judgement suit for $1,400 eight years later trying to get a loan and cant at thirty years old. Please help me take these people down. Many of you have been taken by this and even one poor soul was raped by an employee and yet they still won't let her out of the contract. PLEASE

altamont, New York

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