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  • Report:  #1499957

Complaint Review: 440 auto sales

440 auto sales tried to scam me out of $1200 parma ohio

  • Reported By:
    raymond foster — kent oh United States
  • Submitted:
    Thu, September 17, 2020
  • Updated:
    Thu, September 17, 2020

a car dealership called 440 auto sales located in parma (440) 403-9096 advertised a 11' nissan altima on facebook for $5460, so i inquired, they called me and we had a talk, they told me that the lender they use is "credit acceptance"and that lender would tack on another fee of about $!200, now being in banking i know that is 100% wrong, no lending inst, tacks on fees for borrowing, thats what the interest is for, that would mean "CA" is a loan shark..

so i called "CA" and they told me thats not what they do, and if i feel uncomfortable, go somewhere else.. but im contacting you because this is outright theft, $1200 to unsuspecting customers?? just illegal, also when i asked if they can show me in writing where "CA" charged that extra $1200 she declined
my direct 424-744-6324, so know one thinks its a phantom person

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