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  • Report:  #1526058

Complaint Review: AT&T Viasat

AT&T Viasat Viastat I ordered Internet and phone and Viasat gave me a quote of 69.98 a month , didn't put in my phone service and charged me $#63.96 Buda Texas

  • Reported By:
    Bob — Austin Texas United States
  • Submitted:
    Sun, April 30, 2023
  • Updated:
    Mon, May 01, 2023

I hahad ordered Internet and phone service from AT&A Viasat and was given a quote of $ 69.98 for this service. The installer put up a satellite dish and when he finished the job I found I had no phone service! I called Viasat and they said" Oh you didn't request phone service"! I told them do not charge me I am getting your installer to take down the satellite and all your equiptment back on his truck righ now. The installer heard this and took off in his truck leaving me to deal with the problem instead of being honest he left a CROOK, just like his employeer Viasat!! Viasat, charged me $ 363.96 and I returned all their equiptment to them within a couple of days by UPS and this should have solved the problem but Viasat in their crooked deeds wanted to defraud my debit card and charged me $ 363.96 when I told them I would NOT authorize Viasat to debit my checking account and they did it anyway, they have committed FRAUD and have LIED to me and I have my bank working on it now but they have lied to my bank stating I told them they could charge me! I will call my bank on MOnday of next week to reopen this case and remind them of what I told them before, that ai did NOT authorize Vaisat to debit my checking account!! I would advise ALL customers of Viasat to drop their services as they are the worst CROOKS to a consumer their is!! Try T-Mobile, Spectrum, etc. anyone but Viasat. All in all I hope they go under for all their crooked dealings and their is no telling how many people are being RIPPED OFF right this moment by Viasat!! Please beware of this dishonest company for your own sake!!! Than you

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