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  • Report:  #1516112

Complaint Review: atomic loops

atomic loops pvt ltd Anuj mokashi They are bullyıng me, want a second payment when I already payed the amount

  • Reported By:
    Merve — adana Turkey
  • Submitted:
    Wed, February 16, 2022
  • Updated:
    Wed, February 16, 2022

So they only helped me to download something from internet on google screen sharing. This only took them 1-2 hours. I already had the code, I took the code from internet. They only made me download keras and cuda. So they didnt do anything. They wanted 200 dollars. At the time I had another homeworks and presentations, I said I will pay.

They continued bullying me. See they didnt do anything about this coputer program, it was already made by someone in the internet. I had to pay them instead of studying for my exams immeadiatly because they were harrassing and bullying me. I payed 200 dollars with transfer fee 20 dollars. I spend 220 dollars when they barely did anything for me.

At the, their hourly "coding" fee is 40 dollars. But see they didnt evem write a single line of code and they didnt have to because I already had it and they know it. After a month, they said "the bank doesn't give us the amount you sent, can you resend the money?" Enough is enough. They are doing me so wrong. I might cry and  so angry this is my 3rd complaint report to internet, I blocked them but they are continuing to bully me. See, I am a student with no job, no money, I live in Turkey, 1 usd=13.8 TRY, I am out off all my money because of their thiefery.

The fault is at their bank, not me but they are still doing me wrong. Please save me from these bullies! I only want peace!

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