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  • Report:  #1479170

Complaint Review: ATHENA LEGAL

ATHENA LEGAL Athena Imendopolis The Bankgrupcy Money Hustle Columbus Ohio

  • Reported By:
    Homeless USA — columbus United States
  • Submitted:
    Wed, May 22, 2019
  • Updated:
    Wed, May 22, 2019

As you know, lawyers get a bad reputation, which they totally deserve. When a person files bankgrupcy they do so as a last resort for drowning debt. I went to Athena Legal with a plan and hope that I'd get help curing my financial matter. In the end, I wound up with a legal bill of $6,000, with no results.

She drug her feet, telling me that "I was too busy to file your motions because I was answering your emails", but when it came to her own defense in court for her motion to obtain compensation, she sat in court for 4 hours, (supposedly she's billing $250 an hour, so she wasted $1,000 of her day/time) to ask the judge to compensate her an additional approximately $1600 from me, after already, getting $1300, and $3800 from my failed chapter 13 payments.

After having over $4,000 of my money, she wanted more for her 'time'. Lawyers will have all the time in the world to defend thier purpose but when my home was on the line, and my needs were urgent, she sat around making excuses and telling biased versions of the facts related to my case. If you need urgent help, do not go to this BK attorney.

The crazy part of BK, a chapter 13 in particular, is that the attorney's charge $250-$350 an hour and they put the debtor in more debt instead of working you out of debt and supporting you. It was stressful and dealing with a self centered uncaring attorney only made it a nightmare. After getting put on the hook for $6,000 I got nothing but 4 months of hell and torture. Do not use Athena Legal services. Unless you got money to burn. 

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