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  • Report:  #1770

Complaint Review: AT&T

AT&T Scam

  • Reported By:
    Chicago IL
  • Submitted:
    Tue, March 28, 2000
  • Updated:
    Tue, March 28, 2000

This may not be new, but I am very sick of AT&T and there underhanded ways to get money from the little people. We dropped AT&T in Dec 98. All was well in Jan-Feb no charge and then in March they charged $2.09 for taxes for a service we do not have. This continued thru May and then the charge jumps to 7.96 in part for their unsolicited "roll over" plan or only having to bill every 3 months.

I only discovered these charges for Mar00 because they were then charging 17.59. They credited that back and said I need to call again in April for the April portion that will still be on my bill. This is ludicrous! As I went back over the past year. I found all the other charges mentioned above. I expect I can call AT&T and they will refund all this, but people need to be aware. This two and three dollars didn't stick me terribly, but look at the millions it made AT&T dishonstly!!

I was just gathering the last year bills last night and then this morning I saw you on the news (Congradulations!) I had to stay and watch even then I should have been out the door for work
I am glad for what you do and would even consider helping because I just hate the way the world capitilizes on the innocence of people. I read small print...question why to everything and go over my bills with a fine tooth comb because the big guys will screw you.

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