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  • Report:  #3086

Complaint Review: AT&T

AT & T - Impossible Customer Service

  • Reported By:
    Savannah GA
  • Submitted:
    Tue, August 29, 2000
  • Updated:
    Tue, August 29, 2000

Try calling the 1-800 to AT&T customer service. I bet you stay on hold for at least 8 - 10 minutes. Then, when you do hear from someone, you are talking to trained two faced liars. They are so kind and nice sounding, but, don't expect anything to happen once you hang that phone up. Here's my story: More than a year ago my husband and I called AT&T to have our service cancelled. We had switched to another service provider. Of course, my silly husband thought he could use his calling card still. This was the start of a bigger problem. On going after the original call to cancel the service, I knew that it wouldn't if he continued on. Several months go by, and by this time my husband has to deal with the customer service reps, because I was not going to be involved. After knowing they were told to cancel, I was still paying for their service. Finally, I called them. The rep I spoke to said she would credit back 3 months of service, that was as far as their computers let them. Next bill, nothing. I call them again, this time mad and frustrated that I can't get anyone to even pick up the line immediately! Why should I? Would they really do anything?? When I called my last time, you could tell that they are hiding behind answering machines. No one - Not even the 1-800 number to sign up for that service would help or understand. That rep just transferred my call to the last recording message to please hold!
Well, we all know what it's a simple sign of.

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