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  • Report:  #1504147


ASALYNA DARING GRINDS, LLC. STRONGESSESSENTIALOPTIONS Ordedered one time free trial CBD Oil online, charged for shipping $7.98--Merchant then charged $118.88 15 days later. LaCrosse wi

  • Reported By:
    GODsangels — Santa Fe NM United States
  • Submitted:
    Thu, January 21, 2021
  • Updated:
    Tue, January 26, 2021

The advertisement showed that I would be charged only for shipping & handling, in the amount of $7.98, which I paid for, with my credit card.  15 days later, I saw a charge from the same merchant, for  $118.88.  called the merchant  1-833-652-1056.  I was told that because I had called one day late, I could not be refunded the $118.88.  My argument had more to do with deceptive practices, as I l did not see any statement in the purchasing box, showing the consumer that you had to cancel within 14 days.  The customer will be aware of the 14 day trial, only after the $118.88 shows as a charge on your credit card.  

Since there was no recourse with the merchant, I proceeded to contact my credit card, to dispute the charge. A few days later I contacted the merchant again.  Spoke with Mr. Ronny,  who advised me that I was on the black list, for having contacted my credit card to dispute the charge. I mentioned to him what the original customer service rep. had said to me about calling one day too late, he stated that rep. was no longer working for the company. Furthermore, because I had contacted my credit card, I would not be able to do purchases on the internet. He advised me then that he was cutting off the conversation, and he hanged up. Advice: Do not purchase anything that tells you it is for a free trial. I just realized that even if you have paid for the shipping and handling of the merchandise, you will be billed later on, for future purchases, or for the purchase that you originally received. 

Very deceptive selling practices, using the internet to lure customers into making purchases they have not intentionally done.  It is indeed, a rip-off, which I believe the BBB should handle ASAP.  Anyone wishing to have evidence of the above, should go directly into their website:  strongessentialoptions or...strongessentialoils

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