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  • Report:  #3148

Complaint Review: American On-Line

AOL Ripoff

  • Reported By:
    Mentor OH
  • Submitted:
    Sun, September 03, 2000
  • Updated:
    Sun, September 03, 2000

AOL has continued to advertize on my website without my permission after I withdrew that permission by removing my website from its AOL Hometown - and even after I complained to it about this practice.

I removed my website from AOL Hometown because I suspected AOL Hometown was impeding the initial access of visitors to my website

I also realized that AOL had, again without my permission, changed the source code that visitors to my website would see. In particular, AOL removed my HTML META commands and changed by HTML NOFRAMESET command.

AOL has responded that the problem is beyond its control - it is experiencing problems with its Hometown software.

I first alerted AOL to these problems several MONTHS ago. AOL ignored my complaints, and never indicated that it was having any problem until just two days ago.

I have told AOL that starting today I am going to charge them $60 an hour to continue to advertize on my website. It is their choice. They can either quit this practice, or they can pay me. They have offered to give my two months of AOL free, a $44 value. That is nowhere near the trouble they have caused me.

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