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  • Report:  #3394

Complaint Review: AOL


  • Reported By:
    Somewhere NY
  • Submitted:
    Thu, September 21, 2000
  • Updated:
    Thu, September 21, 2000

I recently was having a conversation with a friend who for years has on and off again used AOL. She signed up using the first 500 hours free and then decided that she didn't want to be on the internet any more couldn't afford it. Well she was going through her credit card statements and found that AOL had charged her for a screen name she never ended up using. Then about 4 months ago, she got a new PC and decided to try aol again. Well, her computer had to be sent back, so in the very beginning of August, she cancelled, well they charged her for September, but to make matters worse, again, she went through her statements and found out that AOL Charged her 2 x's in May & June. First time she called they would give her a refund for 4 months, she never got it, she called back and the gentleman that she spoke to told her they would only credit her for 2 months. Currently AOL owes her about $130.

Can you believe this. What next.....

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