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  • Report:  #153275

Complaint Review: American Credit Educators

American Credit Educators ripoff Denver Colorado

  • Reported By:
    Largo Florida
  • Submitted:
    Thu, August 11, 2005
  • Updated:
    Thu, August 11, 2005
  • American Credit Educators
    2000 S.Colorado Blvd.Tower One Suite 3300
    Denver, Colorado
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I do not know anything thing about this company excpet they are trying to rip me off, they keep sending me a bill for $250 stating that i owe them money for a credit card that i never received, in fact i never authorized this card, i was called by one of their telemarketers and i told them i was not interested in this card, they tried to tell me that it would built up my credit and give me a positive credit rating, they also said i could return the card and owe them nothing, they stated that when the card came i woulf have a $400 credit limit, they ended up charging me $295 for a credit repair manuel, there was a membership fee of $49,30 shipping and handling fee leaving me a $26 credit limit, i called this company when it arrived and told them i had told the rep that i did not want it to start with and they sent it anyway, i told them i wasreturning it and i did return it, they never called me back and never acknowledged anything but put it on my creit report, i have been able to get it removed from one credit bureu and currently working to get the other 2 to remove it. this is a scam this company has.

Largo, Florida

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