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  • Report:  #840098



  • Reported By:
    Beth — New York New York United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Thu, February 16, 2012
  • Updated:
    Thu, February 16, 2012
    2 E. 42ND ST.
    NEW YORK, New York
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:
Incident of 2/15/12 to be filed with Ripoff Report

On 2/09/12 I responded to a craigslist ad for a "Hallway Monitor-Customer Support" entitled ad. Stated duties, salary, etc.  On 2/10/12 I received a voicemail in response, to which I responded and set up an interview for 2/15/12, which occurred yesterday.

I was to go to 2 E. 42nd St., and dial 914-450-7943 to call "Jessica", the person who contacted me to schedule the interview.  Then she was to take me to Mr. Freeman.  I did that when I got there, but she did NOT answer her phone.  Suddenly she appeared out of nowhere.

I was immediately led into his office, if I may be so bold as to call it that, and was faced with a rather large African American gentleman in a suit - open neck shirt - ascot untied.  Quite a site.  I was dressed for what I thought was going to be a corporate interview.

The site was ostensibly that of the training school, and was shabby, to say the least.  Locks were removed from doors and were simply holes in doors.  I noted that this was odd, and was given a typical explanation.

We sat, and he immediately sent to the website:  nysdepartmentofcriminaljustice.  Then he clicked on Security Guards, and then training, to show that his company was listed as one of the valid schools to attend prior to their placing you.

He advised of 3 courses to be taken (and noted them in this website) 1. 8-hour class  2.  16-hour class.  3.  Fire marshall class.  All of a sudden, the $100.00, which I was told would be the cost when speaking with Jessica on the phone turned into $438.00 payable before end of course.

I "interrogated" him as to best and worst case scenarios as to job placement after completion of course, and he was quite tentative in answering and completely non-committal.  Actually, he almost pretended to not understand my question and repeated same answer many times.

Feeling that I might be getting myself into a rip-off situation, but being desperate for employment, as I had owned my own business until 2007 and hadn't worked but 6 months, I didn't say no.  I said I needed to leave and think about it, but would get back to him.

I left without paying anything and went to a friend's office to talk it over.  I looked up the website on my phone, and called my sister and boyfriend to quickly run it by them, but I was so much into finally getting a job that I barely heard their concerns.

I returned to Mr. Freeman within the hour to sign up and when I took out my checkbook he said that the school would not accept personal checks.  Only money orders or cash for the $100.00 initial payment, which was broken down into $40.00 application fee & balance towards classes.

Still suspicious, when he walked out to take a call, I began talking to the man who was in the office this whole time.  While I don't know his name, he said that he had been Mr. Freeman't friend since junior high school and that he worked with or for him.

With concern, I left and went to the bank to get a money order, which also had a $5.00 fee attached, and I returned to pay.  He told me to just come into his office when I returned, and then said that I was the LONGEST interview he EVER had!  Kinda funny, huh?

Several times during the interview he stated that he could tell that I was a savvy businesswoman, and that he didn't understand why I wanted to be in security.  Knowing all the correct answers to give in a job interview, I told him why I wanted to.

I literally interrogated him as to how the placements work, the benefits...which he stated were full medical, dental and 401K's.  Then that the salary was dependent upon the building into which I would be placed as they are all contracted out, and depending upon what they got from their contract would determine the allocated payroll for the specific position.

What a bunch of crap now that I have seen all this information.  I feel like a fool for handing this man my hard-earned cash and now know that he was laughing at me all the while.  He knew I should have known better but he knows that we are ALL desperate and willing to do almost anything to procure a job.

I am in the process of getting a 3 sentence letter from my lawyer, who will not charge me and taking that and pages of the ripoff reports to his office today with the story that I thought that classes begin today, Thursday 2/16, and not Friday 2/17. It's clear that they need 1 day before seeing you again, for whatever reason.

I am going in 1 day early in jeans, ready for class, and I will scream bloody murder with my documentation, and not leave until I get my money back in my hands.  They want no felons and require a background check.  If I can reverse that on them, trust me I will.

I'm experienced in business, in being ripped off in business, and am a savvy New Yorker.  I wasn't born yesterday..........I was just desperate, and refuse to let them get away with this.  I've done pro se before, and have no problem doing it again.  Remember, I have lots of time because I am obviously still unemployed!
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