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  • Report:  #2346

Complaint Review: Airtouch Cellular

Airtouch Cellular

  • Reported By:
    Glendale AZ
  • Submitted:
    Mon, May 29, 2000
  • Updated:
    Mon, May 29, 2000

I established a cellular phone account with US West Cellular (now know as Airtouch) in 1992. In March 1994, I began receiving phone bills for a phone number that did not belong to me. I immediately notified Airtouch. The account was finally corrected and when I transferred my account, the account was paid in full.

After I transferred the account, Airtouch apparently charged off a "balance due" for the calls that belonged to someone else and sold my account to a collection agency that is now showing on my credit report, twice. Once from Airtouch and once from the collection agency.

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