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  • Report:  #1453714

Complaint Review: ADT Security Services

ADT Security Services ADT Confiscation of records that are providing evidence of crimes New York

  • Reported By:
    Catherine Mary — Lindenhurst, New York United States
  • Submitted:
    Fri, July 27, 2018
  • Updated:
    Fri, July 27, 2018

I recently utilised ADT in an attempt to reduce criminal acts of violence against me.

After having found perfect evidence of a video of a male with an object that could cause physical harm against another, I noticed that this record was no longer available to me.

Soon thereafter, I noticed that many records had notes on them, stating that they were unavailable to be viewed.

I alledge that there was a definite cover-up of multiple criminal acts.

In addition to this, A.D.T. have persued a supposed debt for between $800.00 and $900.00.

This debt has been persued by A.D.T. and two debt collection agencies.

I alledge that this constitutes criminal cooberation and the perversion of justice.

I feel that I have wasted my money in attempting to resolve my problem.

All those involved should be prosecuted for covering up criminality.

Catherine Mary Margaret Tatlock

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