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  • Report:  #1133808

Complaint Review: .ASK-BIDOUBIDS.COM

.ASK-BIDOUBIDS.COM will make charges to your Credit card illegaly 57/63 Line Wall Road, Gibraltar Gibraltar

  • Reported By:
    gancot — Calgary Alabama
  • Submitted:
    Wed, March 26, 2014
  • Updated:
    Wed, March 26, 2014

ASK-BIDOUBIDS.COM sneaks into your account by "offering" a "free" gift on a survey site, after you complete the survey.  If you click on the "free" gift you will end up on a site where they ask you for a $3.00 shipping and "handling" fee and to fill out your Credit Card Information.  You do so and then realize that it is a scam to sign you up for one of those fraudulent Auction sites.  You leave this site without submitting the form by closing the site and you believe that is the end of this issue; think again.  These bastards tracked your IP address and go ahead and charge your credit card anyway  with a $3.28 and $66.71 charge.  When you try to cancel by email you will run into a whole lot of resistance and denial by their department, if you get an answer at all and they will have charged your credit card already for a "Membership" in BIDOUBIDS.COM, one of those fraudulent On-Line "Auction" outfits.  There is no one particular place of business I can find for this "company" other than that they operate through G57/63 Line Wall Road, Gibraltar and their phone number 203-598-8046 is in Middlebury, Connecticut in the US and probably not "real" either.  The other bit I found was that they seem to have one of their offices in Montreal, Quebec, Canada (figures) but that probably is fictional also.  The best way is to contact your credit card company immediately and have them deal with this problem.  There does not seem to be any way to get at these crooks and shut them down.  Just one of those people, or group of people without a conscience.

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